One address flickers, another doesn't, same device, same channel - how can this happen?

Okay ... this is SUPER weird - any possible light shed (pun intended) would be AWESOME!
Background: We had a newish LED light start flickering last week (patched to chan 102). We bought it in November or so. It's a stationary light, does nothing but shine. Weirdly, it started this about a week after its neighbor (patched to chan 101), a movable light, also started flickering. 101 could be temporarily stopped by changing the beam. Chan 102 could only be stopped by bringing intensity to 0.
So we ordered replacements for both. Yesterday, before we installed the replacements, I tested the new stationary light, and set it to the address currently assigned for 102, 2/021 (the old fixture was not on the DMX chain during the test).
The stupid thing had the same symptom! It was flickering. At this point it was basically plugged, by itself, into the back of the board - nothing else on the DMX line. The only hardware in common with the original line would be the 5 pin to 3 pin adapter on the back of the board, and the board itself, obviously an Element.
Just for fun and troubleshooting, I set the address on the new device to 2/441 (an available address in our system) and ... it didn't flicker! What the heck!??! So I went back and tested some other addresses. 2/22, 23, 24, 25 (all available) flickered.
I thought I heard some tiny rustling in the device during the flicker ... until I reached address 100 on the device. Then the noise, and the flicker, stopped. When patched to 100 (or 101, which is where I left it) it no longer exhibits the problem.
This makes ZERO sense to me at all. Any thoughts?
Note: I only included the info about 101 because it was very coincidental, and it was a neighbor fixture, but I can't imagine that it is connected at all.
The new fixture is now up in the air, on Channel 102, and address 2/101. If it stays working, we're not likely to muck with it again, but I'd sure love to know if there's some knowledge for this kind of thing out there!
Oh, and our school's HS Performance is in less than 2 weeks ;)