EOS "Save failed, unable to write to persistent storage" error.

Having the error listed above when trying to save a showfile on EOS. Have just changed my file structure slightly (added year dividers and venue dividers with subfolders) just to cleanup showfiles but now it's not resaving if that's of any relevance. Have also just been editing an Augment3D file to update it to the venue.

My SSD is definitely not full and I would be very surprised if it's corrupted considering I'm currently running my operating system off of it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Need to figure this out ASAP.

  • A bigger bit of the log files certainly would help... But I assume that you used the Save function, either through File > Save, or by pressing [Shift] & [Update]. If that's the case and you changed your file structure after Nomad was launched and/or without changing the path for the ShowArchive (Shell > Settings > General), then Eos has no way of avoiding this error.

    Emergency solution: Use File > Save As
    Right after that you should fix the ShowArchive path.

  • Yes I used the File > Save function. To clarify, I haven't actually changed where the showfiles are kept. AKA Users/Documents/ETC/EOS/ShowArchive. I've just changed what's inside that showarchive folder if that's ok? Because of that, I can't change anything in the shell settings since it should be the same as before.

    Saving onto a USB or external drive also doesn't work which makes me think it may be an issue with the showfile?

  • Yes I used the File > Save function. To clarify, I haven't actually changed where the showfiles are kept. AKA Users/Documents/ETC/EOS/ShowArchive. I've just changed what's inside that showarchive folder if that's ok? Because of that, I can't change anything in the shell settings since it should be the same as before.

    Saving onto a USB or external drive also doesn't work which makes me think it may be an issue with the showfile?

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