Ion possessed channel

channel 125 is coming up in recorded cues even when its not up while cue is being recorded. 

We record a blackout, then “go to cue” and 125 is up full. 

Take 125 to zero, clear the channel selection, rerecord and shows up again

Channel color is yellow suggesting it was recorded to a submaster, but no subs are up. we deleted the sub and still showing up in rerecorded cue

Nothing shows up in parked.  Not a captured channel. Both capture and parked has been cleared. Any thoughts to the demon channel.

Parents Reply
  • This was awesome. My fumble fingers at some point keyed the channel 125 into  subs 130 AND 136.  

    My next issue, maybe related.  Using 4 Chauvet Rogue 2x Spot (21channel). I'll set levels and record a cue with the movers, but in playback the mover will be in another cue’s location. Very frustrating to pan and tilt to a specific location multiple times record the cue and it goes back to old location

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