defil on

What does it mean? "defil on",in red on the right of the screen.Thanks.

  • When Eos is set to French this shows that ScrollLock (la touche d'arrêt du défilement, Arrêt défil) is engaged.

    This changes the behavior of the PageUp/PageDown (up/down arrows) buttons from advancing a whole page to advancing only one line.

    To enable/disable:

    • On software < 3.0: press [ScrollLock]
    • On software ≥ 3.0: press [Shift]&[ScrollLock], or if on hardware that has the new button [Shift]&[Stage]

    Does that help?

  • When Eos is set to French this shows that ScrollLock (la touche d'arrêt du défilement, Arrêt défil) is engaged.

    This changes the behavior of the PageUp/PageDown (up/down arrows) buttons from advancing a whole page to advancing only one line.

    To enable/disable:

    • On software < 3.0: press [ScrollLock]
    • On software ≥ 3.0: press [Shift]&[ScrollLock], or if on hardware that has the new button [Shift]&[Stage]

    Does that help?

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