Display bug on Eos on mac

On Eos on Mac, when you are in full screen mode, it is not possible to access the tab display options.

is there a solution ?

I tested on a 19020x1080 screen as well as 1920x1200 and 4k

Thanks in advance

  • Thank you for reaching out. I'm not seeing this. No matter if full screen or windowed mode I can always open the tab display options, both by double-clicking the tab's tab and with the gear.

    What version of macOS are you using?
    What version of Eos are you using?
    How did you try to open the display options (double-click or gear)?
    Do you have more than one screen connected?

  • Thank you for reaching out. I'm not seeing this. No matter if full screen or windowed mode I can always open the tab display options, both by double-clicking the tab's tab and with the gear.

    What version of macOS are you using?
    What version of Eos are you using?
    How did you try to open the display options (double-click or gear)?
    Do you have more than one screen connected?
