Bug Report: Ambiguous group copy/recall behavior

Expected Behavior:

Copying from a selection to a group should only copy as many lights as are in the target group, whether or not the source group contains additional lights.

Actual Behavior:

Copying from a selection which contains more lights than the target group results in additional target lights being selected.

Steps to reproduce:

Record a group, say 10 with a single light in it, say channel 101. Set values in channels 1-10 then 1-10 [copy to] [group] 10. You will note that values have been copied to channels 101-110 rather than just channel 101. The same behavior occurs if you do group recall from selection rather than copy to.


I've noticed this behavior across several show files on an Ion Xe20 and an Eos Ti on all 3+ versions of eos, have not tested on Eos 2.9.
