Color chase effect works normally on some fixtures with deep colors, but only produces pastels on others.

For the normal fixtures, the color picker (only while the effect is running) has what looks like a clock face with the blue dot in the middle, and the "second hand" sweeping around counter clockwise, hitting all the colors. On the misbehaving fixtures, the color picker blue dot is hard against the edge of the "color swoop", and no sweeping effect. Is this related? Fixtures are a mix of Colorsource spot and older Source4 LED with cyc adapter. The ones with the cyc adapter seem to be the most troublesome. I understand how there can be color blending on the cyc itself, so I looked directly into the fixtures exit and saw only pastels there also.

  • questions:

    • Is this one of the built-in effects or one you made?
    • Are the fixtures all starting from the same base color? From your description of the location of the blue dot, it sounds like they are not.
    • What fixture profile are you using for the fixtures?

    Usually this problem woudl occur if you were running a RGB effect on fixtures with white, lime or amber emitters that are in a full emmitter control profile. In that case, the RGB effect would only modify the Red, Green and Blue emitters and could leave the white/amber/lime on, which would wash out the RGB colors.

  • questions:

    • Is this one of the built-in effects or one you made?
    • Are the fixtures all starting from the same base color? From your description of the location of the blue dot, it sounds like they are not.
    • What fixture profile are you using for the fixtures?

    Usually this problem woudl occur if you were running a RGB effect on fixtures with white, lime or amber emitters that are in a full emmitter control profile. In that case, the RGB effect would only modify the Red, Green and Blue emitters and could leave the white/amber/lime on, which would wash out the RGB colors.

  • It is one I modified, based on effect 10 and 913

    Base color is a Rosco gel number, which likely is a mix of colors. I will try with a pure starting color.

    Profile is listed in patch as S4 LED S2 Lustr QS MOD

    What effect type should I use instead of RGB for a color chase with these fixtures?

    Thanks for your help with this!

  • Without a screenshot, it's not possible to know what effect 10 does. However, the standard effect 913 only modifies RGBCYM attributes. I don't find a 

    S4 LED S2 Lustr QS MOD

    in the standard fixture library, so it looks like it's a modified profile which would also require a screenshot to confirm how it handles the LEDs.

    Using as an example the S4 LED Lustr QS General profile and running Effect 913, the Amber, Lime and Indigo LEDs are not being modified in by the effect, so those LEDs will stay at the levels from their background color. This is easy to see if you look in Live Table- the parameters that are being changed by the effect will have an Exxx next to the value.

    I would advise watching the Simple Color Effect video that explains the basic concepts pretty well:

  • Yep, that is it! The cyc fixtures are S4 LED Lustr with the additional colors, while the other fixtures are Color Source with just RGB.

    I will try turning off white, amber and lime before running the effect next time.
