How do I reset the background values for sneak?

Hi! I'm a mostly self taught ETC operator. I'm in high school, so our board changes operators pretty often, about every 3 years or so. A while ago, I'm guessing three or four operators ago, someone reset the background values to not be all at 0. When hitting [Clear] [Sneak] [Enter] not all values go to 0, some go to 50, and some go to Full. There are no cues that it is trying to revert to. Is there a way to change it back so the background values when using those keystrokes are all at 0? I did try looking around online, but no such question has been asked on this forum and I took a brief glance through the online training (I'm currently working through it). If it's any help, we run an ETC Ion board. Any help is much appreciated!
