RGB Mixing + Virtual Intensity, CMY Mixing + Virtual Intensity

I'm trying to create a new library.

1: Cyan

2 : Magenta

3: Yellow

Virtual Intensity

If you save like this, the Virtual Intensity will disappear.


1 : Red

2 : Green

3 : Blue

Virtual Intensity

If you save like this, the Virtual Intensity will be maintained.

Is there a way to use CMY + Virtual Intensity?

Parents Reply
  • That's not how it works on two levels: 

    1. The fixture doesn't understand that the values it's receiving mean something else, just because you told the console. The fixture will still interpret the first value it receives as Red, the second one as Green, etc. This is just how fixtures and DMX work.
    2. The console doesn't use CMY (on encoders) as unified abstract color space. You can use it as view in your color picker, but the encoders for the fixture will still control the native color space which is additive. The only abstract color space Eos allows you to have on encoders is Hue/Sat.

    Does this help?
