Install windows driver on ETC Element (Windows 7 Version)

Hey there,

i am planning on building an custom version of the lighthack project.

I already tested the "standard" code from Github on an Arduino Nano (not official Nano, off-brand). On my Windows and macOS machine with the PC EOS Software in Element Mode everything i tested worked fine.

But our Element console doesn't want to work whatever i tried.

This guide addresses this problem and recommends to install the matching driver ( But for that plan, you have to get in the windows interface. The guide mentions an "Log Out" Button in the Maintenance Menu of the Shell Settings. But i couldn't find that button on our element with the most current EOS Version (3.2.7).

Is there an alternative to install external drivers on an element, or could somebody help me getting in the windows interface?

Thanks in advance for your answers

(sorry for maybe bad english, i'm not an native speaker)
