Macro to delete AllNp's

Hello All,

Does anyone have a Macro that will delete, clear, erase, turn off,  AllNP's for every channel?

My system is  half conventional, and half intelligent, and I keep recording NP's into my conventional cues.

I was thinking that a macro could clear all of the non-intensity dat before I record the cue.

Any ideas?


sfb   -   Element 2   EOS 3.1

Parents Reply
  • I have several student programmers, switching places often.  At times one will be working with automated fixtures, and leave NP in place, and the next will start recording with conventional instruments, say, houselights.  The NP's get recorded into the houselight cues.  I am searching for a way to run a macro to simply clear any and all NP, each time they switch places.  Thanks.
