Macro > Target Device shows consoles that are not part of the session

3.2.7 release

Ion Xe, 3.2.7, Primary. NIC 1 to a laptop, NIC 2 to switch.
Gio@5, 3.2.7, Primary. NIC 1 to a laptop, NIC 2 to same switch. multiconsole active on NIC 2.

on the Ion: macro list, select a macro, Target Device: shows one button for the Xe itself and two buttons for the Gio's two NICs. switching on other consoles that are wired like the Gio will be added to the target device display. when turning off they don't disappear.

from the Ion i can ping Gio's NIC 2, but not NIC 1 (as expected).

shouldn't only devices that are part of the session show up?

thx, ueli

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