Search Function Questions

, I Had a question you might know. This morning my Lighting Director and I were trying to find a cue stack by using the search feature. Unfortunately, it wasn't showing up. We found that we can't look up "Cue Stack" lables only "cues" within the cue stack. I'm running an Eos TI, V 3.1.5 build 8.  Is there a way to search cue stack lables? Is there a way to request this feature in the next update? Also what is the purpose of having to choose cue, preset, sub when search for lables? Would it be easier to make the search function just look up everything with the lable you are looking for? We have multiple cues, presets and sub built for different mini games shows and it would be so much easier to just be able to type in "dating game show". And see that I have a sub and preset made for this look rather then individually go back and check each target list. Thanks!

Parents Reply
  • You are right  . As always ; )

      hitting the Magnifying Glass or [Shift]+[About] is the same function.
    And as i understand it, it is to select one of the Cue/Preset/Palett/... for Update/Record/Recall/...
    Or if you like to save something, and not be sure if that Cue/Preset/...-Number is already existing, you can check with that function.

    There are for sure more clever ways to use that function of which i don't know yet. So let me know ;)

    And if you have a Feature Request, there is a special Forum for that. So please feel free to enter your request over there.
    Eos Family Feature Requests

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