Difference Between 'group [x] sneek enter' and 'group [x] home'?

Sorry, probably newbie question... 

I set my movers to a particular Pan and Tilt setting. 

I then run 'Group [x] Pan Tilt Update Preset 999' (where 999 in the 'Home Preset' value in Setup)

If I run 'Group [x] Home' they return to the value I set in teh Preset in the Update command, as expected.

Then I run 'clear sneek' and the values go off into some other value... (unexpected)

Why is there a difference between 'group [x] sneek enter' and 'group [x] home'?

I expected these to end up at the same Pan/Tilt outcomes?

What am I doing wrong?


Parents Reply
  • It turns out that there was someting wrong with the Fixture that was in the Show File.  I needed to unpatch the fixture, then patch the same fixture into a new address from teh Fixture library (at whcih time it worked as expected) and then move to the origial address.  All working as expected now.  The re-loaded ficture now returns to the home position as saved in Preset 999 when I 'Go_to_cue 0' and 'clear, sneek, enter'.  Thanks Craig

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