Cue list has somehow been assigned to fader wing

We have a company in our theatre using our console and somehow they have assigned the cue list to one of the faders on my fader wing. Now I cannot run through cues without that fader up at full. So, in short I do not have control of my cue list from my main console unless that fader is up at full. I have tried shift + bump + bump and that still does not seem to work. When looking at my submaster list, there is nothing recorded in there so it’s not a sub that I can just go in and delete. I have a photo of the fader. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I want to have control at my console and delete control of the list  from that fader.

  • Open tab 36, fader config, click CL 1, and change it to "unmapped".

    The configuration of the fader itself is done in the cue list index (press cue cue), if you don't want the fader to do anything for the cue list, you can change it to "fader disabled". By default, when a cue list is made and on the master playback pair, you have to have those faders up, same is true when assigned on a fader wing.

  • Open tab 36, fader config, click CL 1, and change it to "unmapped".

    The configuration of the fader itself is done in the cue list index (press cue cue), if you don't want the fader to do anything for the cue list, you can change it to "fader disabled". By default, when a cue list is made and on the master playback pair, you have to have those faders up, same is true when assigned on a fader wing.
