Parameter Categories in CIA missing

In the CIA, there appear to be categories missing for Intensities, Focus, and Color. The beam category is the only one that is present. If I need to filter the Color category, I have to pick each parameter individually. I am using 3.2.8 Build 25


They moved to below the Command line. Please update the manual!!!

Parents Reply Children
  • It is not clear in the manual. The manual talks about picking these categories in the CIA. I think the part below the command line is not part of it. This means you can search forever before you find it. I've never encountered this, because I usually work on a console, with dedicated category buttons (or else I press the encoder wheels to get to the parameter.)

    In the manual, it says: 

    Record filters are applied from the CIA using the following buttons: {Filter}, the parameter buttons in the CIA, and the parameter category buttons.

    The parameter category buttons can be used to select filters, as follows:

    • Intensity (enables recording intensity data)
    • Focus (enables recording pan and tilt)
    • Color (enables recording color data)
    • Beam (enables recording all beam data)

    To apply record filters by category:

    1. Press and hold {Filter}. The parameter buttons change to display filter selection.
    2. Press the parameter category softkey {Intensity/Focus/Color/Beam} for the category you want to include in the record target. All parameters in that category will be highlighted and “Filter On” will appear above the softkey.
    3. Release {Filter}. The buttons return to their normal appearance.

    In subsequent record functions, only the filtered categories will be recorded. You may apply multiple category filters at once. Remember that applying all filters and no filters yields the same effect.

    It must be clear that the first three categories (Intensity, Focus, Color) can be found below the command line and Beam above the command line and that this category is subdivided into Form, Image, and Shutter below the command line.

  • It used to look like this in older versions of the software:
