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"1 at - 0 Enter" == "1 at 0 Enter"?


When you go 

"1 at - 01 Enter"

it subtracts 1 (or technically 1% according to the manual) to whatever the current value is. That's a relative change. When you go 

"1 at 01 Enter" 

it sets it to 01 full stop, assuming no subs or anything are influencing it. That's an absolute change. So adding a plus sign or minus sign should always make it a relative parameter change, not an absolute parameter change. Right? I ask because when I go 

"1 at - 0 Enter",

It does the exact same thing as if I had gone

"1 at 0 Enter"

Why? Shouldn't it do absolutely nothing instead? This is causing a software problem in stuff that I'm coding. I can patch it on my end, but it seems like a pretty strange thing to have to account for. "at + 0" behaves as expected.

changed added to subtracted
[edited by: jordanhenshaw at 1:04 AM (GMT -5) on Sat, Jun 29 2024]
[locked by: Nick.Gonsman at 9:56 PM (GMT -5) on Mon, Jul 8 2024]
  • I've now tried fixing this on my end 5 different ways and it just won't work. My stuff just isn't designed to allow me to change one character in one argument in one specific context for color tuples but only for one member of the color tuple. I would have to change the way my system works at a more fundamental level to correct for this.


  • I've now tried fixing this on my end 5 different ways and it just won't work. My stuff just isn't designed to allow me to change one character in one argument in one specific context for color tuples but only for one member of the color tuple. I would have to change the way my system works at a more fundamental level to correct for this.

