NIP change in Cues - wrong color

I stumbeld over this in the last production.
We had a 2minutes fade of an NIP and the question was "where is it going to, Up or Down?"

And i had to wait to see the values changing because they are always blue.
In my case the NIP Values where going down.

I love to see that be the same blue/green scheme as it is used as always.

Or am i wrong and there is a logic behind that, that i do not know. If so, please let me know.


  • As far as I am aware the blue values are going up (you know blue for sky) and green is going down (grass) I have never seen anything else to suggest that are going a different direction than indicated by these colours.



  • Or as you said from this post 6 years ago (Link):

    "Green is a value that has come down from a previous cue. Think green is like grass.
    Blue is a value that has increased from a previous cue. Think blue is like sky
    Magenta is purple. Purple is a tracked value from a previous cue. Think purple rain is a track from Prince
    Yellow is a value from a sub. Think yellow submarine
    Red is a manual value that is not recorded anywhere.
    White is a blocked value and will not allow tracking values (purple) to pass."

    I figured the extra info might help someone that lands on this post

  • Or as you said from this post 6 years ago (Link):

    "Green is a value that has come down from a previous cue. Think green is like grass.
    Blue is a value that has increased from a previous cue. Think blue is like sky
    Magenta is purple. Purple is a tracked value from a previous cue. Think purple rain is a track from Prince
    Yellow is a value from a sub. Think yellow submarine
    Red is a manual value that is not recorded anywhere.
    White is a blocked value and will not allow tracking values (purple) to pass."

    I figured the extra info might help someone that lands on this post

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