Magic sheet needing double click

I have set up a magic sheet for busking that has buttons on it linking to submasters. In this way I can control for example the colour changes of some S4 PARS but using a fade time, so in the options set to up 3 secs, hold then down 3 secs. Each set of buttons has a BO as well, for colour using inhibit mode, for dimmers recorded at level zero.

It works fine except that after the first use of each button the next time I have to click on the button twice to make it happen. 

The colour changes are left as htp on the submaster options since these always run ltp anyway. Intensity changes via dimmers are set to ltp.

I have tried switching off automark but that made no difference.

Is there any way of getting rid of the double click? Or maybe this is not the best way to do this anyway!


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