Color Recall From Issue - V3.2.8

Hi, I am making a new post about this issue because commenting on it hasn't helped:

In Eos currently, you cannot do a Channel X Color Recall From Channel Y and be sure you get the same Color as Channel Y Color Copy To Channel X. I posted about this issue in 3.2.1 when I noticed it, not thinking it was a major issue, but I was wrong about that. I am actually very often pulling and pushing color data between channels - and other users must be too because the CopyTo/RecallFrom functions, coupled with the CIA tiles, are invaluable tools when moving chunks of data around. This is one of the main reasons I love Eos.

Now, a really regular command I used to rely on (Channel X Color Recall From Channel Y) has been broken since 3.2.1 at least. Please, I beg you to fix this.

Best regards!

V3.2.8. running on Apex 10
