Trigger a Macro on each Go on cue list 1

Hi! I'm wondering if it is possible to have a given macro trigger everytime a cue is triggered on my Cue List 1. I have tried adding a Cue 1/ Execute Macro 400 Enter in the Cue list index, but the Execute field will not populate. I'm essentially trying to trigger a little pulse of light everytime a new cue is triggered.

Any alternative solutions of course welcome!


Parents Reply
  • Yeah sorry for not being clearer!

    I patched one channel to act as this pulse light. Then I created a new linear effect, with a ramp down pattern with a cycle time of just 0.2 seconds, and applied it to this new channel in every cue of my list. To have it pulse the channel every time I hit go I had to set the effect to the Repeat On Go setting, and also tell it to run once each time by having Num Cycles set to 1. I also set the entry and exit times to 0. I think that’s all there was to it.
