BUG - Thru Selection in certain Flexi states broken in 3.2.9

When in Flexi Manual/In Use/Active 

Channel 1 thru 4 Enter

Next (ie Chan 1) - @50 Enter - Next   - loses the channel selection. Should keep the original selection and advance to the next channel of that range.

This seems to have appeared in Release 3.2.

  • I can see this behavior, but that's been around since at least 2.6.

    To make sure we're speaking about the same thing, this is my reproducer from a new showfile:

    • Patch: Chan 1 Thru 4 At 1 Enter
    • Live: 2 Full Full
    • Record Cue 1 Enter
    • Flexi Active (now you only have channel 2)
    • 1 Thru 4 Enter
    • Next At 5 Enter
    • Next

    The last Next is where the console re-evaluates the selection and because channel 1 is now active as well, the Thru rules produce a different selection now.

    Is this the issue you're seeing?

  • I can see this behavior, but that's been around since at least 2.6.

    To make sure we're speaking about the same thing, this is my reproducer from a new showfile:

    • Patch: Chan 1 Thru 4 At 1 Enter
    • Live: 2 Full Full
    • Record Cue 1 Enter
    • Flexi Active (now you only have channel 2)
    • 1 Thru 4 Enter
    • Next At 5 Enter
    • Next

    The last Next is where the console re-evaluates the selection and because channel 1 is now active as well, the Thru rules produce a different selection now.

    Is this the issue you're seeing?
