Sometimes can't block parameters in part cues


Just wondering if anyone else is noticing that in recent Eos software versions, you sometimes don't seem to be able to block parameters in some cues - by which I think I mean part cues, though I also think I've seen this in cues without parts.

I started seeing this during the summer on 'Billy Elliot'. There I wondered if it was related to fixtures that had changed type as part of upgrading the rig, but could never quite confirm this.

On this week's show I'm seeing it again, but it doesn't seem to apply to all fixtures - but I can't pin down the pattern.

So if I have a fixture in cue 10 part 2 where some parameters are changing and some are not, I should be able to go in blind to part 2 and go chan ALLNPS BLOCK to block all of those parameters in that part (though it's been a long-standing Eos issue that sometimes but not always you seem to have to go chan ALLNPS PART then do the Block command).

Now in these weird cases, sometimes the 'changing' attributes continue to show correctly in blue, but all of the other attributes continue to show as tracking (even if I do it a second time, just in case the first time I was actually unblocking some stray attributes).

Weirdly if in blind I go to the next cue, block the parameters there, then go back a cue and go 'Chan ALLNPS Recallfrom Cue Next' then the parameters get blocked correctly; if I unblock, they unblock but if I block again, nothing gets blocked.

But as I say, this does not see to be consistent.

Haven't had time this week to try to pin it down in more detail, but when I do I'll send a showfile and instructions.

But just curious as to whether anyone else has noticed this? 'Billy Elliot' Japan was on the current console version as of June; this week's show is on a console from ETC so I presume the current version (will check in the morning).



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