Is my MacBook affecting whether Eos will save to my jump drive?

I have been having an issue for a while now where when I attempt to save a show file to my flash drive, I get a 'Failed to save' error message.  suggested a possible cause which seemed to be...based on how that flashdrive was ejected from a previous MacBook, would affect whether Eos would be able to save to the drive. In the one opportunity I had to test this, I found this to be true. If I used the recommended "eject" feature of the Mac and then plugged in the flash drive, Eos would not be able to save. I then put the drive back in my mac, and instead of ejecting, just pulled the drive out. Then when I went to save on Eos, it saved.

Is this behavior anyone else has experienced? ETC folks...does this correlation sound possible? Is there some kind of bug to fix here on ETC's end? Is this an Apple problem? 

