BUG: Pixel map continues to track previous channel even when pixels rebuilt to control addresses

3.2.9 build 16

I need to build two versions of a pixel map for the same array of ChromaQ StudioForce II's in CineQ mode (INT CCT TINT RGBW CROSSFADE).  The adults want to be able to control them via the RGBW and conventional pixel mapping but also retain the possibility to access the CCT and TINT parameters while the pixel map controls only intensity.  I built a pixel map of multicell fixtures assigning swaths of pixels to the cells of the channels.  Pixel map and media layers work as expected.  I made a copy of the pixel map and went through replacing the by-cell pixels with by-address pixels assigned to the intensity slots/addresses of the appropriate cell.  Some of this happened in big blocks, some of it I had to type in cell by cell due to the irregular layout.  Bug:  The new pixel map continues to act on the RGBW parameters, even though the map itself has nothing but yellow address pixels in it.  If I build an identical map from scratch, using the same yellow by-address pixels in the same place, it correctly runs only the intensity address.  In fact, if I delete ALL of the by-cell pixels from the original pixel map and rebuild a replica of it with no leftovers present, it correctly runs the intensity addresses.  I have repeated this behavior consistently.  All of this is based off watching the sACN values in Eos' sACN viewer. 

Let me know if someone sees something I've overlooked.  I'm not super experienced with pixel mapping but this works exactly as I'd expect it to if built from scratch...  but I really burned a lot of time painstakingly converting this weird irregular 1000 cell map to addresses only to have it run the RGBW anyway


Parents Reply
  • I believe the bug is operator error. but to answer your questions:

    Adults want access to fixture's CCT parameter rather than arriving there via RGB mixing. However adults also want the possibliity to pixel map color if they change their minds.  So two identical maps, one control the channels and one directly driving the intensity slot, leaving CCT and tint to manual manipulation like normal.  They would not operate simultaneously.

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