ML Focus Problems

ELE2, Cue Only.
Mainly for setup, I start show with a Preset that points all ML straight down and align their yokes. All ML are in Group 17 labelled "All ML"

Cue 100 Has a ML putting a red spot on the floor DSR.
Cue 105 The spot turns off. But:
It changes instantly to white then slowly moves back to point straight down as intensity fades! I want it to stay in place, stay red and fade.

Using the blind spreadsheet the P&T values in 105 were changed to match 100 so now spot stays in same place but we still get the change to white.

Back in spreadsheet I wanted to change the color to red in 105 (no INT) but saw a "F2" in cue 100 Color Select Column and "All ML" in cue 105!

Why nearly all ML are showing group 17 labelled "All ML" beats me and where is that "F2" (for Red) from?

First thing I tried was to save a temp show file and delete both Group 17 and the Preset but no change!

I'm thinking that maybe splitting the cue into two parts with part one at 0 time putting INT to zero. But there are other things here I would like to know more about.

  • There are a few different things to unpack:

    • The "All ML" you're seeing isn't the group name, it's the name of the preset. Each of those parameters is telling you that the value is referenced from the preset.
    • F2 means "Frame 2", that's the second position of the color wheel which apparently is red.
    • The channel changes back to white when going from cue 100 to 105 because the color changes from F2 to the color referenced in your starting preset.
    • The white underlined values are autoblocks. You tried to copy a value there, but because the value was exactly the same as in the cue before it can't by definition be a move instruction (that would be a blue value). It then would have to be tracked (that would be magenta), but the console tries to reflect that you wanted to have a value there, so it does the best it can do in this case which is blocking the value. And because the console blocked those values by itself it underlines the white values to show that it's an autoblock.
    • To keep the light from changing (and as a nice little side effect get rid of the white values):
      [Cue] 105 [Enter]
      Chan 135 {AllNP} [At] [Enter]
      AllNP (All Non-Intensity Parameters) is a button found on the left hand side in the CIA and makes sure that the following At Enter command doesn't affect the channel's intensity. At Enter mean "at nothing" and is Eos' way of removing things. Because you removed the changes you now get the same position and color as in the previous cue.

    Does that help?

  • Thank you. I've head butted with Presets before and need to understand them better. I think I'm misusing them.

    1/ Why would Preset 1 inherit the group number (17)?

    2/ If I deleted both that group and preset then saved and reloaded the file did the BSS still show the "ML"s? Is it because they were there when recorded and are now hard wired into the show file?

    3/ Thank you. I found the F2 thing for the Color wheel index.

    4/ I'm doing the Blind instructions on a file at home now and will run it first thing tonight. I'll also dig deeper into the AllNP manipulations.

    I still have a lot to learn.

  • Just as a side note to this, When I record presets I do it without colour or intensity. That way I only capture beam and focus information. so when a fixture is sent to the preset the colour and intensity is not changed because it has no move instruction. Works for me. Keep learning and remember experts were beginners once!

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