Bug in CopyTo?
I came across this issue struggling with one moving head panning and tilting slower than another. If I have, say an instrument on channel 603 that's working well with MSpeed at 0, and instrument 604 with Mspeed at 150, then 604 will pan and tilt slower than 603.
With no instruments selected in the CIA, I type 603 604, then the MSpeed in 604 becomes 0 because it was copied.
With 603 selected, and type the same command, MSpeed copies over.
BUT, if I have 604 selected, because I want to see the value change in the softkey display, and type the same command, MSpeed DOES NOT copy from 603 to 604. Color, Pan, Tilt, Prisms - they all copy over, but MSpeed stays the same.
Can anyone else reproduce this?