Element fixture profile not correct


I’m working with an Element in my school’s black box and have been having issues with operating our Elation Design Spot 250 16B (this is not a fixture based issue). When it was first patched, many of the ML controls that should have been there weren’t. After going into patch and pressing “update fixture profile” (or something of the sorts), it fixed the problem and I saved the show file and powered down the board. 2 days later when I turn the board on again, some of the new controls are still there, but the majority of them are missing and the update fixture profile button is missing. I tried adding in an iris scroller to the profile itself but instead of it working correctly it just pulsed in and out the iris.

any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

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  • Photos are attached. I just updated the boards firmware to the newest available (2.9 due it being XPe) and many of the ML control options that were missing are now available, however it lost one that I know of, being the beamfx select for the prism. When I restarted the board, those controls, like iris, disappeared again. I ensured that the show file was saved before restarting. 

  • Ah, I think I understand what you're seeing. Your example of BeamFx_Select is available in your ML Controls screenshot, but only with buttons. Are you looking for the virtual encoder? You'l get that by clicking the parameter name above the buttons.

    In later software versions a lot more parmeters not only show buttons but also their encoders by default, in your version you'll unfortunately see them disappear again.
