Magic sheets: "Flip text position", "Flip target field positions", "Mirror text position", and "Mirror target field positions" don't seem to do anything (3.2.10)

I've been playing around with magic sheets. "Flip text position", "Flip target field positions", "Mirror text position", and "Mirror target field positions" don't seem to do anything. This seems like a bug.

  • Hi John,

    See attached video - it requires fields and/or the text box to be oriented one way or another on the magic sheet objects. If they are all centered, it won't appear to do much (or if it's not a Text field or one of the 6 fields that can be added, it won't affect the Flip or Mirror functionality). 

  • Hi John,

    See attached video - it requires fields and/or the text box to be oriented one way or another on the magic sheet objects. If they are all centered, it won't appear to do much (or if it's not a Text field or one of the 6 fields that can be added, it won't affect the Flip or Mirror functionality). 

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