Block and Effects

q1, chan 1 starts a pan/tilt chase

q2, chan 1 is blocked (all parameters show in white).

In blind in q 1, 1 EFFECT AT ENTER, no longer starts pan/tilt chase

But then in q2, it also doesn't start the effect any more, even though the effect was shown as blocked.

This is surely wrong?

It also seems to be weirdly inconsistent, so:

in blind:

q2 ENTER, 1 EFFECT 122 ENTER (1 starts pan/tilt chase), 1 BLOCK (all show in white incl chase)

q1 ENTER, 1 EFFECT 122 ENTER (1 starts pan/tilt chase)

1 EFFECT AT ENTER (1 no longer starts chase) - but in q2 it DOES still start the pan/tilt chase.


q1 ENTER, 1EFFECT 122 ENTER (1 starts pan/tilt chase),

q2 ENTER, 1 BLOCK (all blocked)

q1 ENTER, 1 EFECT AT ENTER, chase no longer starts in q1 OR q2.


q1 ENTER 1 EFFECT 122 ENTER (1 starts pan/tilt chase)

1 EFFECT AT QONLY ENTER (1 doesn't chase in q1 but DOES still chase in q2)

I think it's a confusion of the way are 'objects' that sort of track, sort of don't. 

But a blocked effect should always be preserved....?


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