Element - limited number of addresses


Can anyone explain to me how the address/channel/parameter limit works on an ETC element 1 (60)?

I want to extend the number of lights I can control. I have bought a sACN/Art-Net node, but I am running into limit problems. I am using the first two dmx universes fully.


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  • Thanks for your quick response. It is the address count which limits us.

    I do have an idea, but I am not sure if it will work (and how to set it up exactly). We have an ETCNomad dongle + gadget 2, which gives us another two dmx universes. If we were to connect a laptop with a dongle directly to our Element, this won’t help us, because we would only still have 2 universes in total.

    But what if we connect them using some MIDI or OSC type of connection (I am not familiar in this area). We then have two show files: one for the Element and one for the laptop. The cue list is in sync: every cue in the Element cue list is also a cue in the laptop cue list. When the Element presses GO for some cue, a signal is sent to the laptop to activate the corresponding cue in the laptop cue list (using the ‘execute’ column in the cue list for each cue?)

    This way, we partition our lights over two showfiles and we have the Element as sort of the fake ‘Primary’ and laptop as fake ‘Secondary’. It’s just that it’s not the usual multi console system.

    This does require more programming work, of course.
    I hope I have explained my idea clearly. I would like to know if it is a reasonable idea or not.

  • This should be doable. Either with MSC (Midi Show Control) or OSC.

    It will not be a fluid workflow but would solve the limitation you're encountering.
