How do I add encoders to a virtual remote control?
How do I add encoders to a virtual remote control?
There are virtual encoders in Eos. You can find them as popup here
or in Tab 5 ("ML Controls")
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In IRFR if you select the fixture and then open ML controls in the app there are the same type of encoders as used in ML controls on the EOS software. There are other remote apps that have other features but you would have to explore them to find out which ones and how they work.
I am using an Elgato StreamDeck+ which gives you four encoder wheels. You would need to use the Companion software though.
There are also products that use OSC communication with Nomad and Eos consoles.
Some are 3rd party products, and one is an enocder box you can build yourself. There are instructions in this github repository. Have a look in the folder called "box_1".