Effect Change Indication on Intensity Only Fixtures vs Multi-Attribute Fixtures

This is not a new question, but one that I feel is worth asking again at regular intervals...

Here the intensity of ch304 (a moving light) is doing the same as the intensity of ch133 (a dimmer) - changing to from running effect 301 to running effect 302 (we're moving to using moving lights in a sequence of the show from conventional lights). 

But on this display, there's nothing to tell you that with the moving light, other than by stepping backwards and forwards in blind.

I think this is a hangover of the way that intensity-only lights have always shown chase information lower down in the tombstone (so letting you see the underlying intensity), whereas multi-parameter lights have always shown it on top of the intensity (so you can't see the underlying intsenity), which has also always felt a bit curious.

You CAN see the change in table view:

But why does this new effect not show in blue in tombstone view?

