At At generated Main Intensity in command line


i am using eos 3.2.10 build 36 with fixture library
As  i know channel X [at] [at] set the channel x at Level which you can set in Setup ->  User.

Using the Robin Tarrantula M1 [at] [at] generated "Main Intensity" instead of Level in command line.
Is this an expected behavior?
I am preprogramming and i didn´t work with this fixture before. So i`m confused.

Best regards,

  • There are two things happening here:

    • At At mistakenly adding Main_Intensity to the command line.
      We will research why this happens.
    • You might want to edit the profile: address 24 (currently Intens) is the intensity of the flower effect. I'd change this to Intens_2 with a home value of 0. address 28 (currently Main_Intensity should be Intens

    Editing the profile like this not only fixes the wrong At behavior, but it probably makes the fixture simpler to control.
