When I fire the first cue in a cue stack, while busking a show, it’s taking out effects that are running on light not in the cue. It also doing it when I wrap back around to the top of the stack and fire the first cue again.
When I fire the first cue in a cue stack, while busking a show, it’s taking out effects that are running on light not in the cue. It also doing it when I wrap back around to the top of the stack and fire the first cue again.
Try setting a cuelist filter for the channels in your cuelist. This should make the out-of-sequence behavior of the cuelist closer to what you're expecting.
[Cue] 1 [/] {Properties}
click Filter
type channel numbers, [Enter]
Remember that Eos filters are positive, you're "filtering in" rather than "filtering out", i.e. in the filter you list the channels that the cuelist should affect.
Try setting a cuelist filter for the channels in your cuelist. This should make the out-of-sequence behavior of the cuelist closer to what you're expecting.
[Cue] 1 [/] {Properties}
click Filter
type channel numbers, [Enter]
Remember that Eos filters are positive, you're "filtering in" rather than "filtering out", i.e. in the filter you list the channels that the cuelist should affect.
Not really doing it. Let’s say I’m running a cue stack that is just cycling through focus positions. At the same time I am running an intensity effect. When my stack wraps around back to the top, it cancels the fx. The channels in both are the same.
You can combine the channel filter with a parameter filter just below.
To prevent the loss of manual values while "wrapping forward" you can set a {Loop} of 0
More information on that Topic:
Why does the first Go on a cue list include an Assert?