Mac Mini M4 sACN output issues after power loss

An interesting thing that seems to be happening on a Mac Mini M4 running Nomad 3.2.10 Build 36 - If the computer suffers a power loss without being shut down, Eos will not output sACN without re-installing a fresh version of Nomad.
Context - running a smaller show file with a network of (2) sACN nodes, maybe 50 fixtures spread over 2 universes. Computer was able to ping the nodes and anything else I added to the network. All console settings were correct for outputting sACN as well, both In the software and the shell. With this, sACNview was also showing no activity on the network, both on the computer running nomad as well as another laptop I plugged In to test. While this was happening, I was of course also able to send sACN from other sources (the laptop, and transmitting from sACNview running on the Mac Mini) with no issues.
I called tech support, and they were a little stumped too. We spent a few minutes trying to figure out what happened before resorting to just doing a fresh Install.
This happened earlier this week for the first time and then again today when we unexpectedly lost power. Same result. We're thinking there's some sort of permission on the Mac side that might be shutting itself off on power loss, but we haven't been able to find any evidence of that.
I'm not really looking for anyone to have an answer for this, but just wanted to share the experience In case It happens to anyone else!