sACN Priority Main vs Backup


Just trying to troubleshoot a weird syncing issue on a small network in a small theatre (main and backup connected, when a client connects the main and the backup usually disconnect, related issue where when the backup takes over it seems to lock out control of universe 1 when the main takes control back).

On the backup (a PC with a dongle), the sACN priority is set to 100, and it is set to take over at a higher priority.

But in the ABOUT screen, the sACN priority shows as 101 even when the backup is just being a backup (ie. has not taken control).

Can I check that this is just a 'display' thing (ie what it's really saying is 'the backup WILL take over at an sACN priority of 101 if/when it takes over), rather that what it sort of implies which is the backup has taken over at some point and its priory has got bumped up to 101 as part of that? 

In other words, will a backup set to sACN and take over at higher priority, will it ALWAYS show the priority as 101 in the About screen?

