Element ML controlling LED - fader glitch

Help: Science teacher (and really old former tech theater kid) recruited to program lights for the drama teacher on an Element. I've got some VIVID R63 cyc lights correctly patched to Channel 70 from address 513-560 (universe 2 of course) and I have no problem controlling them if I bring them up on the fader. The problem I'm having is figuring out how to store the settings correctly. When I have the lights set with the color picker (let's say all blue, 100%), and then store that to a submaster, when I manually fade them up and down the lights cycle through different colors as the intensity goes up and down. Earlier show files show that this can be avoided somehow, but I can't find anything in the documentation to do differently. In another world I'd just set the colors manually by channel and then bring up the intensity. How do we do this on the Element?

  • The sub you recorded is by default set to behave proportionally. So each parameter will move proportionally from its previous value to the one you store, over the fader's travel. The Vivid's default color is while so you move the fader up you will probably see everything but Blue slowly reduce.

    To change that default behavior: type [Sub] x [Enter] {Properties} and there choose {Int} where previously {Prop} was highlighted. (We use [ ] for hardkeys and { } for softkeys and elements on screen, softkeys are the six commands in the bottom right corner of your screen, on Element represented by the 6 hardkeys S1-S6).

    This new behavior is called Intensity-Master. The only thing proportional now will be the intensity, the other parameters will snap to their end value when you move the fader from 0 to 1.

    Just a word of caution: the snapping will happen between 0 and 1 of the fader's travel no matter the intensity this channel gets from other sources. E.g. if the channel is on from a cue and you start moving the fader you will see the color snap on stage.

    Does this help?

  • The sub you recorded is by default set to behave proportionally. So each parameter will move proportionally from its previous value to the one you store, over the fader's travel. The Vivid's default color is while so you move the fader up you will probably see everything but Blue slowly reduce.

    To change that default behavior: type [Sub] x [Enter] {Properties} and there choose {Int} where previously {Prop} was highlighted. (We use [ ] for hardkeys and { } for softkeys and elements on screen, softkeys are the six commands in the bottom right corner of your screen, on Element represented by the 6 hardkeys S1-S6).

    This new behavior is called Intensity-Master. The only thing proportional now will be the intensity, the other parameters will snap to their end value when you move the fader from 0 to 1.

    Just a word of caution: the snapping will happen between 0 and 1 of the fader's travel no matter the intensity this channel gets from other sources. E.g. if the channel is on from a cue and you start moving the fader you will see the color snap on stage.

    Does this help?

  • Thank you so much for your comments. I followed these steps and it did indeed solve the problem for that submaster, but then that programming propagated to every other instance of programming for the cyc lights no matter what fader they were on. Intensity would work, but the other colors did not. I got just blue. I understand a little about precedence and DMX signaling so I'm guessing that what ever i did to the submaster just stayed in the fixture. 

    After exiting out of the show file and going back to one where the problem didn't exist, I noticed that on ALL of the submaster for the cyc lights, the only thing that changed was intensity once the fader was engaged. The color settings did 'snap' in when I engaged the slider, so the entire fade-in and out was in the chosen color.

    In my situation, the "level's" of the colors are all changing until they settled on the desired (set) color when the intensity is at full. It might be that they are fading out to selected color, but with seven colors of LED's I can't figure it out.

    Is there a way to set the colors from the ML interface and lock in intensity master via that process?
