Element ML controlling LED - fader glitch

Help: Science teacher (and really old former tech theater kid) recruited to program lights for the drama teacher on an Element. I've got some VIVID R63 cyc lights correctly patched to Channel 70 from address 513-560 (universe 2 of course) and I have no problem controlling them if I bring them up on the fader. The problem I'm having is figuring out how to store the settings correctly. When I have the lights set with the color picker (let's say all blue, 100%), and then store that to a submaster, when I manually fade them up and down the lights cycle through different colors as the intensity goes up and down. Earlier show files show that this can be avoided somehow, but I can't find anything in the documentation to do differently. In another world I'd just set the colors manually by channel and then bring up the intensity. How do we do this on the Element?

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  • Thank you. the EOS moderator certainly pointed me in the right direction, but it's not quite the fix. The VIVD  R63's are indeed not just RGB, but I'm certain they are patched correctly. Not messing with that. 

    I need to learn more about the "Home" thing and see if that helps, but that doesn't look like the software I'm using. We're on an Element Classic, and I have no idea how old the software version is. But the interface looks completely different.
