Eos 3.2.10 encoder map by default

Hi, from what i see in the video from level 4 chap 7, when we assign an encoder map by default with some missing fixture parametre, those missing parametres must automatically populate next encoder page when selecting the fixture.

But in my Nomad, i can't see those fixture's parametres appear. Making exactly the same as in the video (at least i think so), i don't get my third color page encoder appearing with specific parametres i didn' map. Any idea why?

Hope i 'm clear enough, as always.

  • I actually emailed support about this on Friday and they got back to me today.

    "The video discussing Custom Encoder Mapping is referencing when they were first introduced in 3.1.0. After that introduction from 3.1.0 to 3.1.5 they did function in this way. With 3.2.0 due to feedback that was received it was changed to function in the way that you have described."

    I also found an old post in the Eos 3.2.x Open Beta forum that I didn't see before that said

    "When we originally released Custom Encoders in v3.1, the behavior you describe and what is in the launch video was included. However, we received feedback from users that this behavior meant there was no way to definitively hide parameters that were not in use and that you never wanted to see. So in 3.2, we removed auto-adding unmapped parameters - if you want a parameter in a custom map, you have to add it. 

    I can understand where you may want the software to add the additional parameters, and so I will file that away as a feature request for future development. In the meantime, don't forget we make it easy to toggle out of custom encoder mode, where the console will paint all parameters that exist in your channel selection - so they are always just a single press away, even if you don't include them."

  • I actually emailed support about this on Friday and they got back to me today.

    "The video discussing Custom Encoder Mapping is referencing when they were first introduced in 3.1.0. After that introduction from 3.1.0 to 3.1.5 they did function in this way. With 3.2.0 due to feedback that was received it was changed to function in the way that you have described."

    I also found an old post in the Eos 3.2.x Open Beta forum that I didn't see before that said

    "When we originally released Custom Encoders in v3.1, the behavior you describe and what is in the launch video was included. However, we received feedback from users that this behavior meant there was no way to definitively hide parameters that were not in use and that you never wanted to see. So in 3.2, we removed auto-adding unmapped parameters - if you want a parameter in a custom map, you have to add it. 

    I can understand where you may want the software to add the additional parameters, and so I will file that away as a feature request for future development. In the meantime, don't forget we make it easy to toggle out of custom encoder mode, where the console will paint all parameters that exist in your channel selection - so they are always just a single press away, even if you don't include them."

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