[BUG] shift-next does not work when editing palettes in macros

version 3.2.10 b 36

Fixture Library version

Console: Gio@5  

I have a macro that generates palettes for me based on hue/sat values. The palettes are pre-created and pre-labeled before running the macro. It'll create one color, clear the selection, press next and select last. It works great. 

I made a new macro that edits a different set of 27 pre-created color palettes and uses that same group in various gel colors, but this time using shift-next to retain the selection and move to the next target which seemed more efficient. It failed to run at the first color, seemingly due to next target. 

To fix it I had to use regular next instead of next_target. Photos attached, happy to send show file if needed as well. 

The first photo is the new macro i tried to create suing Next_target.

The second photo is the diagnostics window showing the errors when the macro runs.

The third photo is my original hue/sat macro which works perfectly.

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