Can't Record Subs into Cues ION XE EOS v3.22

Hello. I am building my first show and it was suggested that using subs to build looks then recording cues might be a good strategy for workflow. The problem is that my cues aren't recording from the subs. I must be missing a setting somewhere but they don't have "exclude record" on. I tried {make man} and that didn't record or update into the cue so now I'm really confused.

Any help greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

  • Whether or not building cues with subs is a good workflow or not might be a separate discussion. But it should still work.

    Exclude Record is the only setting that would stop contributions of subs from recording into a cue, as long as the target cuelist doesn't have a filter or partition assigned. And don't have an active filter or nulled the channels/parameters.

    If you share your showfile we'd be happy to take a look. You can do this here (Reply > Insert > Image/video/file) or by sending it to eos(dot)moderator(at)etcconnect(dot)com.

  • Thanks for your response. After I posted I was able to get it to record.  I’m not sure what was going on the other times but was likely user error. I realized this morning that I had recorded from a sub in the past because several times I inadvertently recorded the house lights into a cur when i had the sub fader up, which I don’t usually do. I only have one sub that I am using to make a certain look because it has intensity values in some of the lamps. Is there a better way? I’m a serious noob so happy to learn. If I run into trouble recording subs again I will share the show file.  Thanks again!
