My Question is Can you add A logo to the Apex 20 Screens to display during the time the console is in screen saver mode. this is for a new renovation at a high school and it would look great. thank you.
My Question is Can you add A logo to the Apex 20 Screens to display during the time the console is in screen saver mode. this is for a new renovation at a high school and it would look great. thank you.
You can't add a picture to screen saver mode, but you can make something that's triggered manually.
Add the logo to a magic sheet, open a magic sheet tab on all screens and go to Limited Expand Mode (i.e. "fullscreen mode"). To make this repeatable you could record this as a snapshot. Since Limited Expand Mode removes tabs that are not part of the full screen experience you probably want to either make it easy to return to a default snapshot when exiting the logo displays or maybe even record current displays to a snapshot and afterwards return to that.
You can't add a picture to screen saver mode, but you can make something that's triggered manually.
Add the logo to a magic sheet, open a magic sheet tab on all screens and go to Limited Expand Mode (i.e. "fullscreen mode"). To make this repeatable you could record this as a snapshot. Since Limited Expand Mode removes tabs that are not part of the full screen experience you probably want to either make it easy to return to a default snapshot when exiting the logo displays or maybe even record current displays to a snapshot and afterwards return to that.