Groups on the Touch Screen

Here's an issue I had that ended up becoming two subjects- I had my groups up on the touch screen. Occasionally, I would hit the wrong group.  Subject one:  When you press a Group button, it highlights.  My impulse when pressing the wrong one is to press it again to toggle it off, instead, it adds it to the command line again.  Is there a reason for that?  Could they toggle? Could they not be added to the command line repetitatively?  Subject two:  Each time a Group is mistakenly added to the command line, it takes several deletes to remove it.  Is there a way to clear the entire command line?

  • Ahhh.... yes.... it is on our list to treat group selection from the direct selects in the same manner as channels - which means if you select a group you don't want, pressing that direct select again will "deselect" that group.   If you press [Undo] in the middle of an unterminated command line, it will clear the command line.  

    Hope that helps!

  • Ahhh.... yes.... it is on our list to treat group selection from the direct selects in the same manner as channels - which means if you select a group you don't want, pressing that direct select again will "deselect" that group.   If you press [Undo] in the middle of an unterminated command line, it will clear the command line.  

    Hope that helps!

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