I have just work thru my first big premiere on the eos. Except the rather cruel update to v1.2, the eos worked fine in most aspects. Both the press and the artists are pretty satisfied.
But my LD would like some reports; what channels have we actually used, how many times, at what levels... Can we pick some channels out of the show to make our next show even better..? (we’re running repertoire; nearly 700 fixed dimmers, 20 heads, lots of scrollers, 4 panis, lots of non-dims, and a orchestra). And as a fresh-man in this complicated world (I’m just over 40), I can’t even give him a print of the channels we actually has used. I’ve got neither the printer drivers, nor the options in the console to do it. Is there a way to save all intensities in all cues into a group/preset/cue/snapshot/submaster/palette or whatever that I haven’t found? I can write them by hand, just to give the man a list of used numbers and get him off my shoulders.