ION- Adjusting text size- Playback Status

Ive gone throught the whole manual,  played with the format key and wheel,  the mouse roller.  I can't seem to adjust the size of the Master sub list display.  It is in the "Playback Status" tab with the Cue list.  The cue list size can be adjusted and on every other tab that can be formated to have more then one table on it, can adjust.  Does anyone know how to do this? 

Parents Reply
  • The only thing that you really can do is use all caps in the labels to try and get a better view. Also you will find that if you keep your labels short the text will be larger. The desk tries to fit the label in the space allotted so it will shrink the text for longer labels. In the playback status display you can also press format three times to get 10 page of playback masters/subs and one cue list displayed. 
