1. when pressing channel <x> full, no need to press enter
2. board is web-enabled and will auto-update its software
3. back lit keys
having fun, preparing for our first show using the board.
1. when pressing channel <x> full, no need to press enter
2. board is web-enabled and will auto-update its software
3. back lit keys
having fun, preparing for our first show using the board.
1. I tend to agree with everyone else on this. If I want something at full in a snap I just program my LEVEL button at full.
2. I wish the board was web-enabled. You could email yourself the show file if you wanted to, download updates or even check your stock portfolio. If you don't like haveing your EOS online, then don't connect the ethernet cable and do the updating the old fashion way with a USB KEY. It could also be made so you have to enable the web abilities softly in the board. That way you can control when you are connected and when you are not connected. - Make it MACRO if you want!
3. YES to back lit keys. This is the one thing I really miss on the EOS from our Strand 520. The GO button needs to be lit. Between looking past the bright screens to see the stage then onto the desk into the black hole where the GO button has been placed leaves me wondering if the testers where doing a lot of live dance show "mixing" behind glass at the back of the house. While we are on the GO button why is there no little sheild around it? I loved the GO button on the 520 because you could actually rest your finger on/over the sheild, then quickly hit GO when called for. Much better for those tight cues. I also HATE how close the STOP/BACK button is to the GO Button. I wish the STOP/BACK button was about an inch higher on the console. Sometimes (due to the lack of a sheild) when I hit the GO button I accidently hit the edge of the STOP/BACK button as well thus causing chaos - I know that makes me a bit of a butterfingers but you have all done it at somepoint!
I Love the way groups work off the EOS compared to other consoles in the past where you would asign a group at a Level. Good thinking EOS programers on getting rid of the level.
I hope that in future software releases that ETC drops the "sausage" at the bottom of the cue playback screen. That long sausage tells me nothing! I would much rather see a seperate count remaining for INTENSITY, BEAM, FOCUS and COLOUR (Color for all the americans) in that space with no food products represented.
And finally the last thing.... I would like ETC to drop the number on the label for all the soft keys. I don't care if it is group 20 or whatever, I only want to see the text label I have programed for that soft key and not a number and my label. If I wanted to know what the "Centre Special" group number is, I can easily go into the group screen or the focus palette screen or whatever may apply. Please ETC give us more room for the Label.
When we first recieved the EOS I was none to sure about it (trapped by guilt of the loss of our Strand 520 after all those years), but now after using it for a few months for a variety of show types (programed shows and on the fly shows) the EOS can't be beat for speed, control and adaptability. Anyone in the market for a console needs to try the EOS to experiance it's full capabilities and be sure you also try it with a hand full of moving fixtures so you can really get a sense of how quick and easy it is to program.
clayton.rodney:2. I wish the board was web-enabled. You could email yourself the show file if you wanted to, download updates or even check your stock portfolio. If you don't like haveing your EOS online, then don't connect the ethernet cable and do the updating the old fashion way with a USB KEY. It could also be made so you have to enable the web abilities softly in the board. That way you can control when you are connected and when you are not connected. - Make it MACRO if you want!
There are ways of doing this, but it will happen over the dead bodies of technical services....
Being serious for a change, there are several extremely good reasons why this should not be done:
This is why we don't connect it to the internet - the only good computer security is physical security.
Software-based security will always have the possibility of holes. However, if file transfer is only done via USB key (either to a network file server or the console itself), then it's much easier to protect against unwanted executables.
I don't understand this trend of "Everything web-based". Web-based is not an end in itself - it's a powerful tool that should only ever be used where it provides direct benefits that outweigh the risks.
I don't see a single significant benefit to an internet connection for a lighting console - the only things that could be gained by it are the following:
Ok I agree the security and resource risks are a good enough reason not to have internet access but there are two network opitons I want.
1. The ability over the network to check and change the dimmers. Currently I had to scrounge up an old pc it would be much more efficiant to have them on one machine.
2. I would also like to be able to address my nodes from the console.
Ok I agree the security and resource risks are a good enough reason not to have internet access but there are two network opitons I want.
1. The ability over the network to check and change the dimmers. Currently I had to scrounge up an old pc it would be much more efficiant to have them on one machine.
2. I would also like to be able to address my nodes from the console.
Hear, Hear for addressing nodes from the console. I hear that may be on it's way, and you shouldn't have to hook up to the 'web' to do that.
We have enough trouble getting students to pay attention to cueing and the show let alone have them surfing the web or checking email while running a show. Keep the console off the web.
After working with the ION I have some requests:
On a hardware note, for me, the enter button is kinda small and in an odd spot. I know that it would be a real pain to move it or make it bigger; so my suggestion is to put a raised bump on it so that fingers can know that they are on enter. Also I do not know why we have gotten away form placing a bump on the 5 key, but can we get that back . . .
On a software note. I think that tabs would be great for the ION, if that is possible. And I would like to be able to Press and hole one of the six palette buttons and then use next/last to page through my palette pages. Wanting to do that just seams so natural to me.
bacchusg:Hear, Hear for addressing nodes from the console. I hear that may be on it's way, and you shouldn't have to hook up to the 'web' to do that.
 We have enough trouble getting students to pay attention to cueing and the show let alone have them surfing the web or checking email while running a show. Keep the console off the web.
Look for system level functions like these ... along with dimmer feedback....to start being integrated during '08.
Thanks, as always!
Dont forget--You can always use the Select Last command. That will select the last channel/s or group that you selected in the command line.
jselander:Dont forget--You can always use the Select Last command. That will select the last channel/s or group that you selected in the command line.
And - you can also use this as part of a selective store: [Select Last][Record][CP][Next]. This way you can have other channels live on stage and not have to worry about storing them but also not have to re-type your numbers each time.
Ben, because we support selective storing (the ability to say "channel 1 thru 5 record ..... " or " - 4 intensity record....."), it is necessary for us to deselect channels when you press [Record], [Record Only] and [Update]. Â If we didn't, you'd have to clear your channel selection yourself before you stored (which would be a massive pain).
 [Select Last] most certainly helps with this, but it still a bit of work when you are storing your palettes (once you are cueing, its a different story).  So, in 1.4, we will have new functionality to make it faster.... but more to follow on that later.
How about:
Cue 1 thru 5 time -1 enter
Where you would subtract one second off the time in cues 1 thru 5?
Make sense?
I had a customer ask me about doing that today.....
I agree - being able to do +/- x seconds when editing cue times/delays/follows/etc would be really handy.
A few other suggestions to add to the wishlist.....
1 - When you press [Data] you get to see all the values of any paramaters that are in a pallet or preset. I like to view Reference lables for presets and pallets. Would it be possible to have a button like [Data] except instead of showing the values, it would show Preset/Pallets numbers. Another alternative would be to be able to write a macro where it is possible to include touchscreen selections. That way it would be possible to write a macro that toggles the setup option of "Show Reference Lables"
2 - It'd be great to able to either have a button, or be able to write a macro to be able to Hide the CIA without the useof a keyboard. I can imagine this being extreamly useful with an Ion as it has less monitors then the Eos.
3 - Would it be possible to implement a button that takes you to the last screen you were on. For example, I'm in the live view. I then goto the patch screen. By pressing [Last Screen] I would then be viewing the Live screen. Pressing [Last Screen] would take me back to patch (or whatever the previous screen was).
I would like that. How would it work with multiple keys in a command line? That could potentially tax the system RAM.
On the ION I would love to get, or find if it exists, the Snapshot key/soft key. I know that the record target exists in the Browser. I just cannot find the key or information on it in the manual.
A couple of answers for you all here...
Ben's question about the select button being used for confirm messages...I think we always intended it to do that, it was just never implemented. I'll take a look and try to get that into 1.4.
As far as snapshots in Ion, we don't really let the user access them because snapshots have very little use in Ion with the lack of Tabs in the displays, lack of direct selects and the lack of motorized faders.