wish list for future versions

1. when pressing channel <x> full, no need to press enter

2. board is web-enabled and will auto-update its software

3. back lit keys


having fun, preparing for our first show using the board. 

  • Ben, because we support selective storing (the ability to say "channel 1 thru 5 record ..... " or " - 4 intensity record....."), it is necessary for us to deselect channels when you press [Record], [Record Only] and [Update].  If we didn't, you'd have to clear your channel selection yourself before you stored (which would be a massive pain).

     [Select Last] most certainly helps with this, but it still a bit of work when you are storing your palettes (once you are cueing, its a different story).  So, in 1.4, we will have new functionality to make it faster.... but more to follow on that later.

  • How about:


    Cue 1 thru 5 time -1 enter

     Where you would subtract one second off the time in cues 1 thru 5?


    Make sense? 


    I had a customer ask me about doing that today.....

  • I agree - being able to do +/- x seconds when editing cue times/delays/follows/etc would be really handy.

    A few other suggestions to add to the wishlist.....

    1 - When you press [Data] you get to see all the values of any paramaters that are in a pallet or preset.  I like to view Reference lables for presets and pallets.  Would it be possible to have a button like [Data] except instead of showing the values, it would show Preset/Pallets numbers.  Another alternative would be to be able to write a macro where it is possible to include touchscreen selections.  That way it would be possible to write a macro that toggles the setup option of "Show Reference Lables"

    2 - It'd be great to able to either have a button, or be able to write a macro to be able to Hide the CIA without the useof a keyboard.  I can imagine this being extreamly useful with an Ion as it has less monitors then the Eos.

    3 - Would it be possible to implement a button that takes you to the last screen you were on.  For example, I'm in the live view.  I then goto the patch screen.  By pressing [Last Screen] I would then be viewing the Live screen.  Pressing [Last Screen] would take me back to patch (or whatever the previous screen was).


  • I would like to be able the use the Select Key to answer questions while in the Browser. As the software stands now when I am exiting ION I can use the arrow keys and select key to navigate the browser and then tell the desk I want to exit. But to answer the conformation question I have to mouse over and click on yes, or cancel. It just seams like I should be able the use the arrows to highlight the selection I want and then press the select key to terminate the command.
  • Hi there

    One more thing to add to the wishlist - a keystroke or combination of keys that would repeat the last command.  Thoughts anyone?


  • I would like that. How would it work with multiple keys in a command line? That could potentially tax the system RAM.


    On the ION I would love to get, or find if it exists, the Snapshot key/soft key. I know that the record target exists in the Browser. I just cannot find the key or information on it in the manual.  

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to usesafesets

    A couple of answers for you all here...

    Ben's question about the select button being used for confirm messages...I think we always intended it to do that, it was just never implemented.  I'll take a look and try to get that into 1.4.

    As far as snapshots in Ion, we don't really let the user access them because snapshots have very little use in Ion with the lack of Tabs in the displays, lack of direct selects and the lack of motorized faders.


  • Now that the Enter button by the number pad works, what about the + over there?  Would make doing quick notes at the tech table easier....


    Brian Flory


  • I'd love to see a Repeat Last Command option - presumably you are thinking along the lines of 'SHIFT-ENTER' on the Strand 500. We are only a couple of days into programming our first show on our shiny new Eos and I'm missing that one already. Very useful when for example adding a new channel into a bunch of Q's in Blind.

    Otherwise very pleased so far, I haven't broken it yet!
    More comments to follow.....
  • Hi Graham.  Hope all is going well!    A couple of things.  If you want to add/change things through a cue range, you can (from blind) [Cue] [a] [thru] [x] [Enter] [2] [color palette 2] and have that change applied within the cue range.   If you work in track mode, you want be assure to append the [Cue Only] instruction.  This action can be done with the direct selects (as above) or the command line.  You can do the same thing from live with copy to....  

    Regarding repeating the last command.... You know that command history accessible via the second page of softkeys?  Watch that space!

    Welcome aboard...


    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 11:06 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jan 30 2008]
  • I wish for a way to go to specific Fader pages with one finger- i.e. on the Direct Selects.  I would be satisfied with the Macro option, but the board doesn't recognize the combined keystrokes.  But how about the option of a Fader page section on the Direct Selects.  Either of these would allow labeling.

    Can you already label Fader pages?

    Make a wish and it could come true. 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to BSmith

    Putting a fader page selection into a macro I think is fixed in 1.3.1...if not it will be in 1.4...

    With that being said, you can record a snapshot that can take you to a specific fader page, but it will also load your faders...which may be an unwanted side-effect.  We currently don't have the granularity in recording snapshots to just do the page...but I could see that being helpful.  You can also use the rate wheel, when the fader page key is held down to scroll you through each page.    

    You currently cannot label a fader page...it's a good idea, though.  We will add that to the list along with labeling direct select pages (since that is all related in the code).


  • Doc,

    Yes, the snapshots were my first my first inclination, but there was that unwanted side-effect.  I do use the rate wheel, but I can get a little clumsy sometimes, skipping my target or rolling the wrong way.  Is there a way to delete/disable unused fader pages so that if you use only 6 pages, you wouldn't need to roll through pages 7 to 30 in order to do a wrap around?



  • This functionality may exist on the EOS/ION, but I have not yet found it. But I would like to see a hard or soft Stop and Step button for moving rapidly through cues by disregarding timing information. And it would be slick if time code/show control information was also disregarded.
  • I know that this, for some people, was a really cool Virtuoso idea. I think that the incorporation of this into the ION would speed up programming since the desk does not have the uber direct selects like the EOS. For those of you not failure with this feature I will try to recall it, and I am sure the people who know will correct me. So in live you could press [group] [color] [16] [enter] and the desk would select all active channels in color 16. This feature also worked with preset, cue, intensity, and I am not sure what else. Now I think that EOS users have the ability to do this with [select manual], but the ION can only use this by typing it into the command line. 
