wish list for future versions

1. when pressing channel <x> full, no need to press enter

2. board is web-enabled and will auto-update its software

3. back lit keys


having fun, preparing for our first show using the board. 

  • As requested, one of the attributed of the new GIO console is that it has backlit keys.

    Once again, ETC delivers!

  • Would it be possible in the Park Display Window to have the labels of those Channels/Address' (depending on which you've parked) to display aswell?
  • alexphillip85 said:

    I think some sort of flexi feature would be great for direct selects... creating non numerical presets... only have 20-40 presets. If it could all display on 2 pages, that would be great... watching my presets light up when I select a channel : ) And it helps after a long quick session of programming to figure out what went where.

    I program direct selects during early run thru rehearsals and assign them relative to page numbers.  i.e. Act I Scene 6 starts on page 43.  I record DS 143.  Act II Scene 4 has an aside on page 94 that needs a specific look.  I record DS 294.

    So "closing the gaps" between reference data would be helpful.

  • Not a major thing but would fix alot of time consuming situations I have been in.

    Is it possible to implement a function were the desk learns the timing of a cue stack or an effect so instead of trial and error when creating a chase effect you can use the go button to learn the timings of the effect or indeed follow-ons of a cue stack?


  • Going on this theme of changing the location of direct select buttons, I wonder if there could be a mechanism to disassociate the physical location of the direct select with the number. I haven't given this a great deal of thought, and it may just be far too impractical, but it would be very useful. One of the things I really like about programming on the MA is the ability to easily move presets around the screen, so the physical arrangement of the presets is much more indicative than the number. I do like being able to call up preset/palette/group numbers via the command line, but I'd also like it if we could rearrange the direct selects into a visual arrangement without changing the target number.

    I usually set up my console with presets 100-199 for scene 1, 200-299 for scene 2, and so on; then for palettes, I often use 100 to represent Open (like open gobo wheel or no color) then start with 101 as gobo 1/color 1/something else. As it is, I end up recording presets 99.01 and 99.02 as "placeholders" so I can record Preset 99.99 as a blank Title preset, then 100 will be the first preset in that group. That's a really confusing sentence, but I hope it makes sense. Would this be possible to implement at some point in the (distant) future? I realize it's a big departure from how the console is structured, but perhaps at some point down the road, it might be worthwhile.

  • There's probably a good reason why one needs to exit to the shell to modify the routing of the console's output - but it would be nice to have the capability to change it in the patch screen somewhere, somehow. Or at least to have the current routing configuration displayed there - so you can see that your second DMX output is sending universe one, not two, if that happens to be the case...

  • I agree.  At least being able to see it somewhere would be nice.  I spent 2 hours trouble shooting one day with a rental console before I realized by going to the shell that the previous renter had set both outputs of the Ion console to Universe 1 as poor man's opti-splitter.

  • Nice to have the ability to title a channel group on the TS display, doable in patch? E.g. "Boom Tops Warm"
  • What's the macro button on the sides number?
  • which console? and which button? the single empty one on a Gio and Ti is Macro 821, but you can redefine that in the Shell > Setup > Buttons
  • 1) I'm OK with not changing the basic operating syntax of nothing happens without an Enter press. If I wanted to go back to Express/ion, I can dig out my old Express.

    2) Not a chance. Bad practice to have these desks connected to anything other then a lighting network.

    3) Yup