Beware Undo

Working in Blind we tried to Undo the last three commands in the command line. One had been done by me on User 1 and 2 had been done on a Client set to User 2. My command was to make a channel absolute, dumping Preset references. The two commands after were User 2 patching addresses to channels.

When we hit Enter and lost all info back to our last Save, about 45 minutes worth of programming. My Design Associate called support and was told this was a known error having to do with Flexi Channel. Similar to the Curve Flexi problem that has been mentioned in the Forum.

Good Luck!

  • Hi PigOops,

    Very sorry to hear you ran into this nasty defect that we are calling the "undo everything bug".  This is a known issue that we were just able to track down and fix.  "Beware Undo" is a very appropriate title for this post.  There will be a Patch release of 1.2 with the fix coming out very soon, and it is fixed in 1.3 of course.  The good news is that there is a workaround...


    First, this bug *ONLY* happens in a MULTICONSOLE system.  To prevent the bug, you must SAVE your show every single time a new client or backup connects to the Primary console.  So, regardless of what type of console you are sitting at (Primary, Client, or Backup) you must save after you have fully connected and synchronized.  Then Undo should work just as expected.

    A Thousand Apologies,

  • This makes sense since I think the laptop user had just recently joined the session (after our last save). Thanks for the workaround.


  • FYI, we are going to create a post in the announcements section called "Known Issues in 1.2."   That way, as we run across issues ---- or as you do, we can have 1 place for users to know what they need to avoid in any given build.  Sorry that we were not more proactive and create that sooner.

